Join the Prod Team

The 24 Hour Musical Project needs a lot of hands-on-deck to make it work, and we need a number of positive, energetic and creative people to take on various Creative, Technical and Support roles within the Production Team. Role descriptions for each position are linked below. Scroll down for more information on the Prod Team structure.

Expressions of Interest for the Prod Team open regularly in the lead up to Projects.

The next Project will be held in Brisbane.

First Tier Roles

These are leadership roles within the creative, technical and support teams. They are required to begin work on the project three months in advance and carry a high level of responsibility. Those appointed to First Tier roles may be involved in the appointment of related Second Tier roles. Applicants for First Tier roles must be both a strong leader who is organised and reliable, as well as a good team-player who is helpful and supportive.

All roles are open for application; however, The Project's Core Team may be assigned one or more of these roles as best fits the Project’s requirements.

Second Tier Roles

These roles are focused on specific creative, technical or support tasks. Creative Team assistants work with their First Tier counterparts on the creative planning and implementation of the show; they are required to begin work on the project three months in advance, have significant creative input and have a high level of responsibility during the Project weekend. The Technical Team work with the Technical Director to create all the production elements of the show. They are required to begin work on the project two to three months in advance and carry the responsibility of their area, including organisation and supervision of crew and volunteers assigned to assist them. 

Applicants for Prod Team roles must be organised, motivated and reliable, able to work under pressure and exceptional at problem-solving!

Prod Team Structure



The creative team, in blue on the chart, is led by the Director and comprises of a Musical Director who works with an assistant focusing on vocals with the cast and another working with the band; the Choreographer who also works with an assistant or effectively co-choreographer; and one or two Assistant Directors who will do much of the scene work with the cast.

The technical team, in yellow on the chart, is led by the Technical Director who may not have any specific duties within the production themselves, but who organises and manages the Stage Management Team, Lighting Team, Sound Team, Set Team and Costume Team, as well as bump in. The lighting, sound, set and costume coordinator roles include the task of design of these elements, along with the Creative Team.

The support team, in green on the chart, is one that is relatively unique to this kind of project, and includes the varied tasks of making sure everyone is organised and cared for. The Support Director will organise and manage the FOH team and support volunteers who truly make this project possible.

The Producer's team, in red on the chart, cover all the usual 'theatre office' type of roles, like marketing and administration, and production services like photography.